Mining, Energy, Oil & Gas
Mining Equipment, Technology & Services (METS)
Western Australia’s dynamic mining and resources industry is a significant strength and contributor to the state’s economy.
Investment opportunities exist in core engineering design and project management, consulting services, core mining and processing equipment, IT equipment and related services, specialised technology and general support services.
Attracted by the strength of Western Australia’s mining sector, many international METS companies have chosen to expand operations to include Perth through acquisitions, partnerships or opening their own local office.

Western Australia has a well-established energy sector centred on liquefied natural gas (LNG) production that is expected to dominate global supplies in coming years.
The state also has undeveloped gas fields that have the potential to support regional economic growth further and ensure a sustainable long term supply of energy. Besides, we are increasing power generation through renewables, given our large uninhabited landmasses and favourable climates.

Oil & Gas
Western Australia is home to some of the world’s best Petroleum Engineering and Technical Services (PETS) companies,
More than 900 companies, of which 400 are international, currently service the sector from Perth. Perth is globally ranked 4th (after Silicon Valley, Calgary, and Houston) for the number of engineers per 1000 employees.